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Resources during the pandemic

(If you are looking for Laurie's proposed Epidemic Response Act, click here.)



In the face of this unprecedented COVID-19 crisis, it is understandable that we may become overwhelmed.  After all, many are facing layoffs, our children are out of school, and too many of our most vulnerable are facing hunger and even greater housing challenges than before.  


Our campaign staff wants to help.  


Our volunteers are now calling to check in. We want to know whether you need:


  • Help with groceries 

  • Help with rental and food assistance 

  • Help connecting with unemployment resources 

  • Help accessing child care 

  • Help connecting with healthcare resources. 


We also want to acknowledge our first responders, including grocery staff, medical workers, and other essential personnel. Thank you for your tireless efforts to keep our communities afloat. 


As this pandemic continues to affect us all, I promise you, I will work with the Oregon Legislature to meet the critical needs of all Oregonians, just as I have in 30 years of advocating for family supports, health care access, tax fairness, and school funding.


If our campaign can help you in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team at or (503) 935-4504. 


Meanwhile, check out these resources to get you started.



Layoffs and Financial Concerns​

  • Request a forbearance for your student loan paymentLearn more here. â€‹


Clothing Needs

  • Rose Haven .... 503-248-6364 627 NW 18th - M-F 8:30am-4pm. Drop-in center, clothing & showers for anyone identifying as female.

  • Snowcap Community Charities.... 503-674-8785 17805 SE Stark St - Food, clothes, school supplies. M-F 10am-2pm, Mon & Wed 6-8pm. 


Mental Health Services

  • Oregon Military Assistance Helpline.... 800-511-6944 (24hr) Free, anonymous help for military/veterans and families. 

  • Unity Center.... 503-944-8000 1225 NE 2nd ave - Crisis inpatient/stabilization.
    Triage area for walk-ins. 


Food Resources 

  • Blanchet House…. Providing meals free of charge Mon-Sat 3x a day (503-241-4340) 310 NW Glisan St, Portland OR 97209 

  • Canard…. Canard is offering free pancakes for kids 12 and under while school is out (971-279-2356) 734 E Burnside St, Portland OR 97214

  • Botanist…. Free Lunch Mon-Sat from 12 – 4 for service workers impacted by layoffs (971-533-8064) 1300 NW Lovejoy St, Portland OR 97209

  • Grain & Gristle…. Free Food for students on Free or Reduced lunch while school is out (503-288-4740) 1473 NE Prescott St, Portland OR 97211

  • Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon (all food and school resources) …. Information about various ways to access food during the Coronavirus outbreak (SNAP, food pantries, meals on wheels, etc.)

  • Laughing Planet Café…. Laughing Planet is providing free meals to kids who qualify for Meal Assistance Programs 

  • Sugar Street Bakery & Bistro…. Sugar Street Bakery & Bistro is providing free lunch to kids in need during school closures (503- 234-7085) 1405 NE Alberta St, Portland, OR

  • Oregon Food Bank…. Oregon Food Bank is connecting individuals to their closest food pantries (503-282-0555)

  • Meals on Wheels.... 503-736-6325 (Multnomah/Washington) 866-788-6325 (Clark) 

  • Oregon Food Bank.... 503-282-0555 - Search for food boxes/meals.

  • Rahab’s Sisters.... 247 SE 82nd Friday 7pm-10pm - Meals for anyone identifying as female.

  • Operation Night watch.... 503-220-0438 8800 SE 80th - Hospitality Center w/meals Fri 7-9pm,
    Sat 5-8 pm. 

  • Ambleside Meals on Wheels People.... 503-953-8201, 600 NE 8th, Suite 155 Gresham - M-F lunch for 60+ adults. 

  • USDA: Food and Nutrition Service…. USDA is accepting EBT to order food online through Amazon and Walmart for home delivery in select Multnomah County zip codes    



  • Bradley Angle.... 503-595-9591 Emergency shelter, housing assistance. Culturally-specific for LGBTQ and African American available.

  • Home Free (VOA).... 503-771-5503 (Hotline) Emergency, transition support. Housing/motel vouchers, legal advocates, support groups. 

  • Neighborhood House .... 503-246-1663 Help with energy, water bills, rent, & food. 

  • Community Alliance of Tenants (CAT).... 503-288-0130 (Hotline) Renters’ Rights Hotline M, W, F, Sa. 1-5pm, Tu. 6-8pm. 

  • Female Emergency Shelter... (503-227-0810) 30 SW 2nd Ave.

  • Youth Shelters ....503-432-3986 (Screening/Day #) 503-222-5988 (Porchlight/Night #) 1635 SW Alder - Crisis and transition shelters for ages 14-24. 

  • The East Portland Community Center, The Charles Jordan center, The River District Navigation Center…. All centers are transitioning to become temporary homeless shelters and they will begin accepting new clients after housing all current clients in beds a minimum of 6 feet apart. 


Utility Resources 

  • SEI Family & Community Services.... 503-240-0828 (Energy Hotline) 503-972-3698 (DV services) Energy Hotline for PGE, Pacific, NW Natural, water, and walk-in info. 

  • Human Solutions.... 503-405-7877 (Energy Help) 503-548-0217 (Water Help) 503-548-0200 (Portland Office) Energy Hotline for help with NW Natural, PGE, Pacific bills. Portland office help with eviction prevention funding. 

  • Low Income Energy Assistance Hotline .... 1-800-453-5511

  • Impact NW.... 503-294-7444 10055 E. Burnside - Walk-in Energy/Utility assistance, M-Th 9am until full. Bring ID, bills, SS card and income info. 

  • City of Portland - Water Bureau…. The City of Portland Water Bureau's Utility Safety Net program provides emergency utility payments for ratepayers who qualify 

  • Comcast…. Comcast is offering complimentary internet services for those who qualify and increasing internet speeds

  • Portland-area utility providers are suspending automatic service shutoffs in the event of nonpayment:

    • Portland General Electric (PGE): Call for information on payment extension (503-228-6322) or (800-542-8818) 

    • Pacific Power: Call customer service at 1-888-221-7070

    • NW Natural: Customers should call (800) 226- 4211 and contact the billing department to make arrangements.

    • The Portland Water Bureau will NOT disconnect customers' water service due to billing/ payment issues during this health emergency and will not charge late fees. Read more about the Portland Water Bureau's response and apply for financial assistance here. Phone: 503-823-7770


Basic Resources 

  • City of Portland…. The City of Portland has placed hygiene stations throughout the city, which includes portable toilets and hand-washing stations, and has linked all the locations on their website

  • Family Meal…. Family Meal is offering assistance for Oregon’s food service and agricultural workers in medical debt crises 

  • Multnomah County Student Health Center…. Multnomah County Student Health Center is providing K-12 youth in Multnomah County access to health clinics (503-988-3392) 

  • Society of St. Vincent de Paul…. Society of St. Vincent de Paul is offering an array of emergency services including rent, utility, bus tickets, emergency food boxes (503-235-8431) 8101 SE Cornwell, Portland OR 97206. Call for appointments. 

  • Child Support Helpline.... 800-850-0228 


Workout and Education Services 


Websites with updating Covid-19 Resource Lists 


Laurie for Oregon

PO Box 6536     Portland, OR 97228

PAC # 20178


This website is Made in Oregon by Ridgelark Strategies

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